What I would do if there would be some indie guys in my town?!?
Sadly, but there won't...
even after hundreads of years...
Every guy here is... erm... oh dear. I can't even describe.... most of them are wearing tracksuits, listening to dumb remixes, swearing. They like girls who are obsessed with town's "popculture"; they avoid the different ones and if the person loves rock music, they say she's a killer or a person who soon will commit suicide (...I had experienced some insults about the music I like and they were calling me a killer. Even if I don't listen to death metal... yet)....
Someone had said: 'Being different means being yourself, standing for your own views and beliefes. However, it is hazardous to your health and emotions. Being yourself is a difficult task when most of people fail...'
OK, that 'someone' is me...
aa, i just totally randomly found your blog.. and i understand you :))