Dec 6, 2011

The best conversation I've had so far

This happened about a month ago. Strange, but the best conversation I've had was with my dad. So, here it is:

My dad walked into my room, looked around and asked:
"So, who do you want to be in your life?"
I was sunned. He NEVER asks things like that.
"Eee... erm..." I mumbled. He was still waiting.
"Musician, no doubt." I said when my amazement was gone.
"Musician you say... Bohemian life... Drugs and alcohol... Are you sure you want to live life like that? These things are not good." Dad tried to be intelligent.
I was like: "Eh? What the heck?!?"
"Dad, music is not all-about getting high on drugs and drinking alcohol all the time. Some musicians do that, some don't. It's as same as this local stereotype that all artists and painters are alcoholics. Have you ever seen drunken art teacher?"
"Drunk art teacher is the worst example..." he said.
"It actually was the best I could think of right now."
"I see..." he said and walked away. I know he wants to be or to look intelligent and understanding in front of us as long as my mother always repeats how foolish he is.

The End.


1 comment:

  1. I'm not judging the relation in between you and your father but i guess he has a bit rights to ask about whom you gonna choose as a life partner, dont mind cause i don't know how he thinks.. And what type of person he is.

    Just stumble upon your blog and commmented..

    See yah later... Will be back on your blog some day


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