Dec 21, 2009

... Hello?

I DON'T really know, if someone's reading my blog, but actually, I DON'T really care. I'm happy that I can write something for free XD haha.

Okay, the good news are.... I'VE GOT MY BRAND NEW ELECTRIC GUITAR!!!!! I'm inlove with it (drools). I've already fell in love with my guitar. I bought it from ebay (hehe), "rock school uk" is selling those guitars. Mine is "Benson" "Memphis Limited Edition guitar". It's REALLY beautiful.

Also, I wrote a couple of songs...

Jesus Crist, it's so cold in my room. My fingers are as cold as ice... But I will write :)


...Snow is falling all around me, children playing, having fun... Why did I remembered this song? I was just desribing, what I can see now... Yeah, this is Christmas song... But the problem is... That I'm not waiting for it. I think, that Christmas supposed to be at least after 6 or 7 monts... But my calendar doesn't agree with me. (Stupid paper thing...) I don't really know why.
Las year, I was crazy about Christmas. Even on September I was ready to decorate my house with all that Christmas stuff. But now... Hmmm... My mum hang a Christmas wreath on my room's wall... It's still hanging... It supose to hang... It's Chistmas time... the Christmas spirit is everywhere... I'm wondering, why did it forgot me? And those X-mas present thing... Oh... Jesus Crist, I just don't feel the upcoming holidays... Well... nobody can help me :( and that is the sadest thing. my sister says, that I'm f**kin' depressed... But I'm not crying... It's like nightmare. I'm afraid that I'm driving myself crazy with those thoughts. That makes the shivers come down my spine...

I'm too strange for myself, so I'm wondering if someone could live with me (yep guys, I'm talking about you). I'm trying to think that nobody understands me... These thoughts are killin' me. I'm just trying not to think about that. And later, the bad thoughts are leaving my head (at least)...

What's next?.. what's next????
I don't know...
My obsession with MUSE didn't decrase at all, and I'm happy about that :P

Oh God, it's so cold here. Even my brain has shrinked from the cold... That's why I'm writing nonesenses...

I'm totally discombobulated...

OK, I'll say bye to all readers (if there are some...)

Bye bye!!! See ya later :*


  1. Oh u do have readers, well I bealive that u have them. I'm proud that I'm one of them ;D Please write much more and every day, 'couse I really like to know how Biržai are going well ;D

  2. thank you Karen :D I'm glad that you like my posts


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