Jul 20, 2014

How Uni Life Influeced Me So Far

keep munchin' them brownies! hahaa

With the first year done and all grades received, I can discuss what major lessons this year has learnt me.

1. I became a bit more feminist. Not in a bad way (I don't think there is a bad feminism, but I might be wrong). I just took into consideration some gender-related issues (both in music and life) and became more aware of gender inequalities. This must be influenced by my essay research on female punk rockers who were subverting the dominant imagery of a female in both everyday life and music.
And being a feminist doesn't mean being all-naturalist, men hating bra burner. That's a stereotype, dear readers. I am just aware of inequalities, especially when it comes to music industry when people presume you are less skilled just because you are a female.

2. My tutors are my friends. It does sound odd, but they actually want to get along with you. Some of them can be grumpy at some point, but, they are AWESOME.

3. Marmite. It is a love or hate thing. But marmite on a toast with butter and mature English cheddar cheese is a ticket to heaven. 

4. "You're the first European I met who drinks so much tea. You're not only good in English, but you're also good at being English" my ex-flatmate once told me. This explains it all.

5. Chips with salt and vinegar. Chippies in Falmouth are amazing! I don't understand how people cannot like chips with salt and vinegar!

6. Midnight trips to library are awesome. The library on campus works 24/7, so if I'm bored I can go to the library and read the most random books I can find.

7. CORNISH PASTIES. pasties, pasties, pasties!!! The best thing ever. 

8. Creativity and weirdness is good. Being creative, weird and different is AWESOME!! Though it makes you feel lonely sometimes...

9. My English language has improved. Quite a few people said that. Haven't noticed the improvement though.

10. Student halls will hold a special place in my heart. Yep, the nostalgia, 3am fire drills and general student'ness.

11. Stereotypes are true. Especially about Eastern Europeans. Vodka shots taste like water to me. Enough said. haha

12. Jacket potatoes. With cheese and beans. Cheese first, please.

13. I've actually did good at uni this year. Four firsts and two 2:1s. NICE

14. Hanging out with mates. Guys, to be more precise. Less drama and more fun. Love hanging out with guys. 

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